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Claudia Stallings
KeymasterThere is verbiage for asking the seller to pay either a flat fee or a percentage of the purchase price in the Clauses section of TransactionDesk. When you have the contract open, click on Clauses at the top, and choose what you want from Office Clauses or System Clauses. This goes in the closing costs section (line 148 & 148).
Claudia Stallings
KeymasterIf you have inspectors (or any vendors for that matter) with whom you or previous clients have enjoyed working, you are welcome to add them to your MoveEasy account as an “agent preferred” vendor. When you have added all your vendors, you can invite buyers and sellers to the site by sending them an invitation email from the site directly. For more info, go to
Claudia Stallings
KeymasterIf your seller wishes for you to disclose that there are multiple offers on the property to all the prospective buyers, use form RF 663. This asks everyone to submit a highest and best by a specific time. It also requires the seller’s signature, which can help prove to the agent on the other side that you, indeed do, have more than one offer. Of course, it may not be in your seller’s best interest to disclose the presence of multiple offers, and there is no requirement that you tell other agents that you have multiples. Once the time for submitting highest and best has passed, share all the offers with your seller. They can then choose to accept one, counter one, or reject all of them. I think it is a professional courtesy to make sure you send the signed rejection page to all agents who submitted an offer so they know theirs was presented.
Claudia Stallings
KeymasterIf you represent the buyer, you can ask the seller to address the septic in special stips. When you are filling out the contract and are in the Special Stips section, click “Clauses” at the top, choose “Office Clauses,” then choose the verbiage that you need. There are also septic permit requests on under Resources, then Docs & Forms, then Buyer & Seller if you need to verify the number of bedrooms for which it’s permitted.
Claudia Stallings
KeymasterThe Weekend Hotline is on duty from Saturday morning through Sunday night. 865-321-4444 You can reach one of our experienced agents from each of our offices who are ready to help. If you have questions during the weekday or after office hours M-F, please call your broker.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by
Claudia Stallings.
Claudia Stallings
KeymasterIn TransactionDesk you can refer to form RF707 Additional Contract Language. Also, and perhaps the best way, is to add it when you are filling out your form in TransactionDesk. At the top of the screen click “Clause” and you can select “Office Clauses” which have been written and shared by your broker, or chose “System Clauses,” which are provided by TransactionDesk. Select the one you want and it will pop it into your contract.
This reply was modified 3 years ago by